Friday, February 6, 2015

6th Grade Latin American Country Project

Project – A Latin American Country
You will be doing a Presentation about a Latin American country of your choice. This can be any country you’d like, so long as it considers Spanish as one of its official languages. Your PowerPoint must include at least eight slides with the following information:
1.       Slide 1: Title
a.       Include the name of your country, and your name
b.      Include a map that shows both your country and the United States
2.       Slide 2: Basic Information
a.       Three facts about the country like its full name (for example Argentina is officially known as “the Argentine republic), its coordinates, or the name of its biggest city.
b.      Include the name of the Capital on this slide.
c.       At least one relevant picture
3.       Slide 3: Basic Information
a.       Three facts about the country like its population, its area, the current governor, etc.
b.      Include the demonym for this country in both English and Spanish. (i.e., what do the people from this country call themselves? We call ourselves American in English and the term estadounidense in Spanish.)
c.       At least one relevant picture
4.       Slide 4: Historical Facts
a.       When was it founded? Who founded it?
b.      When did it declare and achieve its independence from Spain?
c.       At least one more item of interest to come from this country’s history.
d.      At least one relevant picture
5.       Slide 5: Economic Facts
a.       What is its currency? What’s the exchange rate with American Dollars?
b.      What types of industry/resources can we find there?
                                                               i.      Name at least four
c.       A picture of its currency
d.      Another relevant picture
6.       Slide 6: Cultural Facts     
a.       Information on leisurely activities (sports, arts, music, etc)
b.      The name of a popular food item or dish
c.       An example of clothing particular to that city
d.      Three relevant pictures
7.       Slide 7: Climate Information
a.       Compare the highs and lows of its climate to that of Georgia.
b.      Compare the rate of precipitation to that of Georgia.
c.       Are there places with extreme temperatures?
8.       Slide 8: Geographical Information
a.       Three facts about the geography of the city. Manmade sites like ports and buildings don’t count!
b.      Three pictures to go along with your facts

We will be presenting these reports to the class. After your presentation is done, you will be asked the following question: “Would you ever live in this country?” You must answer and give a compelling reason why or why not.

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