Monday, February 9, 2015

7th Grade Project

History Project
Your second summative project will be a PowerPoint presentation on a historical event or a person of significance in the history of the Spanish speaking world.
If you choose to do an event, your presentation should include the following slides

-          A Title Page featuring the name of the event and your name
-          A general explanation of the event
o   This should be relatively simple, but needs to go into more detail than saying “It was a war between Chile and Argentina”
o   Include two pictures
-          When this event began and when it ended
o   Also include the circumstances leading up to its beginning. For instance, if it was a war, was it due to disputes over natural resources? Did it involve any failure of government or the economy?
o   Include two pictures.
-          What countries were involved in it?
o   Explain each country’s motivation. If this event took place before the countries came into being, explain who comprised each “side” to the conflict.
o   Where was this taking place? The Incas were based in modern day Peru.
o   This might require more than one slide. On each slide include 2 pictures.
-          What important people were involved in it?
o   Name at least two people, give a brief explanation as to who they were (for example: Francisco Pizarro is best known for being a “conquistador” but who was he? A duke’s son? An heir to a merchant empire?
o   Include a picture of each person. This could even be a photo of a statue or a painting.
-          The events in the immediate aftermath
o   Was there a “winner”? Of this conflict? Did they achieve the goals they set out on doing?
o   Include two pictures.
-          The historical implications of the event
o   How was the world changed? For example: After World War I, several countries ceased to exist, and were broken up into smaller states. What evidence do we see now in the world around us?
o   Include two pictures
-          Conclusion
o   Give your thoughts on what happened. Did the results of event ultimately seem worth the cost? Was the world a better place because it happened? Think critically on this and have some evidence to support it.

If you choose to present on a person, your presentation should include:
-          Slide 1: Title Page with your name and the person you’re reporting on
-          Slide 2: An abstract summary on who the person was in their totality
o   For instance: Francisco Franco was a general in the Spanish army in the early 20th century…; Miguel Hidalgo was a parish priest in the Spanish colony of Mexico in the 19th century
o   This summary should be about 3 to 5 sentences
o   Include two pictures
-          Slide 3: 3 Basic Biographical facts
o   In this slide, describe their early life.
§  Where were they born? Who were their parents? What station in life were they born to? Noble? Poor?
o   Include two pictures
-          Slide 4: Basic Biographical facts
o   Were there any events in their early life that pointed towards their eventual rise to fame or infamy?
o   Describe their rise to their position.
o   If no information is available, describe the events of the world around them that might have led to their rise to fame (e.g., the colonization of the new world, etc)
o   Include two pictures
-          Slide 5: Prominence
o   Give a timeline as to when their role began and when it ended (e.g., Francisco Franco led the armies in a civil war for three years and was the
o   Describe the event they played a role in
o   The titles of these slides should reflect the event they played a part in
o   Include two pictures
-          Slide 6: The events surrounding their death
o   Did they die of old age?
o   What was the immediate aftermath?
o   Include two pictures
-          Slide 7: The historical impact they had on the Spanish speaking world
o   What evidence do we see in the world now due to this person having lived the life they did?
o   Include two pictures
-          Slide 8: Conclusion
o   What are your thoughts on this person? Did they have a good impact on their nation and the world? It’s impossible to say of anyone that they were “all bad” or “all good”, but in their totality, do you think they had a positive impact on the world around them?

This project will be due on Monday February 23rd. Some will present the following Wednesday

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