Wednesday, February 4, 2015

8th Grade Project

Summative Assignment – Anuncio Turístico

This quarter, we’re going to be using our new vocabulary words to make a commercial (in Spanish) for a travel destination. You will be providing the narration and using pictures to enhance your pitch. 

You can do one of two things:
  • Create a powerpoint presentation and “present” your commercial to the room
  •  Create a movie maker project and simply play it with your narration already recorded.

Your commercial must feature:
  • A city not in the United States (it doesn’t have to be a Spanish Speaking country)
    • At least five pictures of the city that showcase its variety – if your city doesn’t have any variety, then pick a different city!
    •  A description of the city using our vocabulary on vacation and modes of transportation
    •  Use at least 7 vacation terms and 3 transportation words
  •  At least three tourist destinations
    • At least two pictures of each spot
    • Describe what these places are and what you can do there with two complete sentences
  •  A brief history of the city you’re describing using the preterit tense
    • Use at least three verbs in the preterit tense.
  •  Have music appropriate to your presentation playing
    • Either add it to the Movie/PowerPoint or have it playing on an exterior device.
  • A slogan with a call to action
    • See Rock City! Viva Las Vegas! etc.

Here’s an example of how you might start

                Desde el siglo I, Madrid fue un centro de historia, cultura, y arte. Fundió por los Romanes, Madrid tiene un montón de arquitectura fenomenal, ruinas ancianas, pero también es llena de sitios modernos para turistas y habitantes. Puedes ir en pie de tu hotel a varios lugares como el Parque de Buen Retiro. Con muchos estatúas maravillosas, es obvio que fue el parque personal de la monarquía española hace cien años. Puedes caminar por el parque o tomar un viaje en moto alrededor y ver las estatúas y jardines bellos.
                Ven a Madrid, ¡somos el principio del mundo hispanohablante!

This Project will be due on Monday February 23rd. Some will present the following Wednesday.

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