Monday, December 12, 2011

The 7th Grade Midterm Exam

The seventh grade has done a great job with their beginning forays into Spanish! Let's keep up that theme of awesomeness by doing an awesome job on the midterm exam. Woo-hoo! Excited about exams!

Anyone? No?

The 7th Grade midterm exam will include VOCABULARY like:
- Numbers 1-1,000
- Animals
- Adjectives
- Clothing
- Body parts
- School subjects
- School supplies

The 7th Grade midterm exam will include GRAMMAR like:
- The verb form "hay"
- "me gusta" and likes and dislikes
- The verb "ser" and subject pronouns
- Noun-adjective agreement
- the verb "tener" and special tener expressions
- the verb "llevar" and other AR verbs

And CULTURE like:
- The Mexican Independence Day
- The Santiago Trail
- El Greco and his paintings
- Sor Juana and her Poetry
- The music of Mexico

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The 8th Grade Midterm Exam

So passes the fall and on comes the winter! Our time together has been very productive in the last couple of weeks in both 7th and 8th grade. But before we can go on our merry ways to have our merry Christmases, we need to have EXAMS!

The midterm exam for the 8th grade will include VOCABULARY such as:
- Numbers from 1 - 999,999
- Emotions and Nationalities
- Places in the City
- Infrastructure and Prepositions
- Parts of the body (both basic and expanded)
- Injuries and illnesses

And GRAMMAR such as:
- Noun-adjective agreement
- Conjugation of regular and irregular verbs
- The difference between "ser" and "estar," special expressions using "tener"
- Affirmative "tu" commands
- The verb "doler" and the verb "oir"

And CULTURE such as:
- The Santiago Trail
- The Cry of Dolores
- The life of Sor Juana and her Poetry
- The Art of El Greco
- Music from Mexico

The exam will be comprised of about 100 multiple choice questions, a reading comprehension section, and a writing section.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Video

Here's the belated vocabulary/grammar practice for the seventh graders. Listen and repeat!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Los Examenes Vienen!

The tests are coming! The tests are coming!

We are wrapping up Unit 2 (Dowwwwn Towwwwn!!) in 8th Grade. We should be ready to take a test on Tuesday, November 1st.

  • 8th Grade will be testing over:
    • Vocabulary: Places in the city
    • Vocabulary: City Infrastructure and Prepositions
    • Grammar: affirmative tú commands
    • Culture: The City of Seville, Spain
7th Grade continues on with Unit 3 (Stripes and Plaids) and will quiz over the verb llevar on  Tuesday Nov. 1st. The 7th grade Unit 3 test will occur on Friday November 4th!

Tenga buena semana! Hasta el jueves!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Nine Weeks!

It's been a while, but we're back at school!

7th grade is now learning about clothing! Click here for the necessary vocabulary; we will have a quiz this Friday, October 21st. At the same time we'll also be discussing noun adjective agreement.

This quarter, the 7th grade will be discussing various fashions in countries like Spain, Mexico, and other Latin American countries. By the end of this unit, each student should be able to describe accurately what they and others are wearing in Spanish.

8th grade is continuing their work with city infrastructure and prepositions. They'll be quizzing over it this Friday. Simultaneously we've begun a related unit about affirmative commands. Click here for a brief tutorial over this section. Barring any interruptions with 8th grade informal pictures, we should have a quiz over the command form next Tuesday, October 25th.

This quarter we'll be talking about various cities in Latin America and Spain. At the end of this unit each student should be able to describe accurately and fluidly the route to get to their house from St. George's in Spanish.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mas Gramar

¡Saludos a todos mis estudiantes y padres!

All right! So we've got two interesting new grammatical concepts we're dealing with in both middle school Spanish.

Eighth grade is still working with the difference between "ser" and "estar" and special expressions with "tener." Refer to your notes or see the previous day's blog to understand the basic difference between the two verbs. However, if you need some extra practice, take a look at the following links:

Ser or Estar? - Four java-based games that begin with flashcards and continue to matching.

Ser, Estar, or Tener? - Would the adjectives or terms best be paired with ser or estar? Or are they special tener expressions?

BattleShip - A java based version of the classic board game. In order to make hits on the opposing side, you must choose the correct verb.

Spanish Language & Culture - A simple multiple choice paper that asks you to choose between ser and estar.

In 7th grade we're continuing our work on the verb "ser."

Mini-Quiz - A short java-based quiz based on the verb "ser."

PowerPoint Presentation - This link will open up a PowerPoint that we reviewed in class.

Right on. Don't forget we're taking a field trip on Thursday and we won't be having class. However, if you're looking for some extra credit, swing by Griffin First Methodist Church on Thursday evening and enjoy some nice Romanian music. Romanian is a language moderately close to Spanish (both being Latin-based languages), so seeing this would be a good experience for everyone. If you can get a program signed by Allyson Lawrence, the youth director there, you can earn 10 points towards your quiz on Friday.

Good luck and happy studying!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fiesta Gramatica

The quizzes over last week's vocabulary have been sent home so off we go into a new grammar unit!

The eighth grade is starting the NEFARIOUS debate between ser and estar alongside special tener expressions.

The seventh graders begin to learn about subject pronouns and the are introduced to the verb ser.

Mucha diversion! Study hard for the quiz on grammar THIS FRIDAY!

Friday, September 9, 2011

El Gran Proyecto

Today the students were assigned their quarterly projects for the first nine weeks! The eighth graders are doing a PowerPoint presentation over a Latin American city of their choice.

Click here for the project rubric.

Click here for an example of a project done by Mr. Lobello.

(Googledocs does some funny things to PowerPoint presentations.)

The seventh graders are doing a picture book or poster project that utilizes the Spanish we've been discussing in weeks past.

Click here for the rubric and instructions on the project.

These projects will both be due on October 6th.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vocabulario Nuevo

Saludos a mis estudiantes y padres

We had a good day today learning new vocabulary in Spanish::

Both classes will be having vocabulary quizzes this Friday so study, study, study!

Hasta el jueves!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

¡Unidades Nuevas para Todos!

Saludos a todos!

A new unit dawns over Mr. Lobello's Spanish classes at St. George's! The 7th graders are starting a new unit featuring the verb ser and adjectives.

The 8th graders will begin a new unit featuring the difference between ser and estar along with vocabulary such as emotions, nationalities, and tener expressions.

There's a bit of a discrepancy between the sound in the introduction music and the actual video, so you'll have to keep your hand on the volume knob. Use these videos to practice your pronunciation at home.

Bueno entonces, have a good day at Exploratories tomorrow! ¡Hasta el jueves!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Para escribir con computadora...

Saludos y bienvenidos!

The 8th grade was just given an essay assignment due this Friday September 2, 2011. During class we talked about how to type diacritical marks while using an English keyboard.

Remember to only use verbs you know how to use. If you aren't sure about how a verb is conjugated either ask me or use a different verb. Looking up verbs in the dictionary is a good idea only if you know how the verb is conjugated.

Also make sure that you don't mistake the subject pronoun yo from the object pronoun me. You use "me" only when using "gustar" or other verbs like it. Remember also that "yo" is almost never used with "gustar."

We will visit the computer lab once or twice during the week, but the majority of the work will have to be done at home. Buenas suerte!

¡Vienen los Exámenes!

Saludos a todos!

Week three is upon us and our tests are looming over the horizon! Ensure you're ready for the tests by studying your notes and especially your quizzes that have been returned to you. That's the main source I'm going to be drawing from when writing the tests.

The 8th grade will be testing over:
  • Greetings/introductions
  • Numbers 1-2000
  • Days, months, and dates
  • Adjectives,
  • Hair, eyes, and age
  • Family
  • Classes and School supplies
  • AR/ER/IR regular verbs
  • Irregular verbs
  • And the music of Mexico
The seventh grade will be testing over:
Remember that you can turn in an article on Monday or Tuesday for extra credit on the test. Buena suerte!