Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

6th Grade

This week, 6th grade will begin discussing parts of the body. On a piece of paper or in a word document, copy down the Spanish words and their English translations into your notes.
 Once you're done with that, review them and play these games.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Seventh Grade

Tomorrow we'll have a short quiz on "tener" and body parts
Today I want you to do the following:
Once you've done all that, you can put the finishing touches on your project.

If you are finished with your project try this out.

The National Spanish Exam will be administered in March, however, below is a link to last year's NSE. You can put your name in it and give it a try. At the point we're at now, you should aim for about 40% correct. As always, focus on what you KNOW and try to learn about what you got wrong.

Monday, September 16, 2013

More fun with the verb "ser"

6th grade is not quite through using "ser" and 5th grade has just begun (ask your older siblings for help with this tricky section!)

Recall that we DO use the "vosotros" form of the verb even though most sites don't.

Body Parts Vocabulary

This week 7th grade starts body parts.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Practice with ser

Flash cards!!!

Ser vs Estar

Hey Eighth Grade, listen up!

Here's a practice quiz from our friends at the National Spanish Exam! (note: this quiz also includes the verb "hacer" for weather expressions, which we'll be doing later in the year)

Here's a podcast from our friends at Notes in Spanish!

Remember that our projects are due tomorrow and we'll test over this grammar and our vocabulary the next week!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scratch Project

Shooter Project

PDF: Project

Practice with adjectives and the verb "ser"

For those of you still having trouble with noun-adjective agreement:
 For those of you still having trouble with the verb "ser"
And for those who are still working with their adjectives:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Vocabulary

It seems like everyone and their brother (literally in this case) is talking about adjectives in Spanish. Let's make sure we're all on the same page.
Eighth Grade is doing something a little different. Their new stuff can be found in the Eighth Grade Portal (see above).

And here's a picture of Mr. Lobello joining 900 other fans in an attempt to break the world record of number of people dressed in Star Trek costumes!

Well you've gone and breached the temporal prime directive again.