Monday, December 12, 2011

The 7th Grade Midterm Exam

The seventh grade has done a great job with their beginning forays into Spanish! Let's keep up that theme of awesomeness by doing an awesome job on the midterm exam. Woo-hoo! Excited about exams!

Anyone? No?

The 7th Grade midterm exam will include VOCABULARY like:
- Numbers 1-1,000
- Animals
- Adjectives
- Clothing
- Body parts
- School subjects
- School supplies

The 7th Grade midterm exam will include GRAMMAR like:
- The verb form "hay"
- "me gusta" and likes and dislikes
- The verb "ser" and subject pronouns
- Noun-adjective agreement
- the verb "tener" and special tener expressions
- the verb "llevar" and other AR verbs

And CULTURE like:
- The Mexican Independence Day
- The Santiago Trail
- El Greco and his paintings
- Sor Juana and her Poetry
- The music of Mexico

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The 8th Grade Midterm Exam

So passes the fall and on comes the winter! Our time together has been very productive in the last couple of weeks in both 7th and 8th grade. But before we can go on our merry ways to have our merry Christmases, we need to have EXAMS!

The midterm exam for the 8th grade will include VOCABULARY such as:
- Numbers from 1 - 999,999
- Emotions and Nationalities
- Places in the City
- Infrastructure and Prepositions
- Parts of the body (both basic and expanded)
- Injuries and illnesses

And GRAMMAR such as:
- Noun-adjective agreement
- Conjugation of regular and irregular verbs
- The difference between "ser" and "estar," special expressions using "tener"
- Affirmative "tu" commands
- The verb "doler" and the verb "oir"

And CULTURE such as:
- The Santiago Trail
- The Cry of Dolores
- The life of Sor Juana and her Poetry
- The Art of El Greco
- Music from Mexico

The exam will be comprised of about 100 multiple choice questions, a reading comprehension section, and a writing section.